Olympus Insurance Company

Olympus Insurance Company

Olympus Insurance Company is revolutionizing the Florida homeowners’ insurance market. 

Olympus Insurance Company focuses on three core areas makes this possible:

Financial Stability

Olympus maintains a conservative level of aggregate exposure relative to our capital capacity. Olympus Insurance Company's Catastrophe Excess of Loss Reinsurance Program is consistently placed with some of the world’s finest reinsurance partners, further protecting the solvency of Olympus through the most extreme catastrophic events.

The time and care Olympus invests in evaluating risk factors is critical to maintaining competitive rates. 

Agent and Customer Focus

Beyond a portfolio of homeowner insurance products designed around customer needs, Olympus provides value-added support and expert counsel. Seasoned professionals with extensive experience in underwriting and risk management have bred a culture of refined strategies that are further supported by Olympus’ strong financial position. 

Olympus Insurance Financial Stability Rating® (FSR)

Developed in 1988, Demotech, Inc.’s Financial Stability Analysis Model was the first model universally applied to Property & Casualty insurers of all sizes. Their quantitative model was utilized before risk-based capital, dynamic financial analysis or enterprise risk management was introduced on an industry-wide basis. This model remains the primary determinant of a Financial Stability Rating®.

The Financial Stability Rating® (FSR) of A, Exceptional, assigned to Olympus Insurance Company has been affirmed by Demotech, Inc.

This level of FSR is assigned to insurers who possess exceptional financial stability related to maintaining positive surplus as regards policyholders, liquidity of invested assets, an acceptable level of financial leverage, reasonable loss and loss adjustment expense reserves (L&LAE) and realistic pricing.

Financial Stability Ratings® (FSRs) are a leading indicator of the financial stability of Property and Casualty insurers. The rating process provides an objective baseline for assessing solvency based upon changes in financial stability, as manifested in an insurers’ balance sheet. FSRs are based upon a series of quantitative ratios and considerations which together comprise the Financial Stability Analysis Model.