6 Tips for Safeguarding Your Home This Holiday Season

The holiday season should be a time of joy and jubilation, but it also brings along plenty of stress for most people. Traveling to see your family leaves you at risk for burglary, while hosting your guests can damage your home or leave you liable for an accident. Protect your home and family while enjoying the holiday season with these six tips.

From Burglars and Vandals

  • Don’t post about your plans to get away, or even spend the day shopping for gifts, on your social media accounts. You’d be shocked at what burglars and other criminals can find out about you and use against you to plan a crime. Stick to sharing those great home insurance quotes you found and turn off any automatic geo-tagging services your social platforms may use.

  • Avoid running power cords for holiday lights and outdoor decorations through windows and doors. These cords leave the window or door open just a bit, creating a gap for criminals to wedge their way in.

  • Keep up an affordable renters insurance plan or make sure your homeowner’s insurance is up to date. You definitely want a full replacement of your belongings if you’re a victim of a burglary during the holidays.

From Fire

  • Check your tree’s water level at least twice a day, every day. A live tree can run out of water within a matter of hours and dry out to the point where even small holiday lights can start a serious house fire. Stick with faux trees if you plan to be away for more than a few days and don’t have someone to water the tree.

  • Swap the traditional candles for battery powered ones. At the very least, make sure all candles are kept at least 6 feet away from flammable materials like wreaths and curtains, and avoid large candles with multiple wicks since they can pull up too much wax and start burning out of control. A supplemental fire insurance plan doesn’t hurt, either.

From Accidents

  • If you host a party and serve alcohol or even allow guests to bring their own, don’t let them drive while inebriated. Even though almost all homeowner’s policies include some amount of general liability insurance, you can still be held responsible for a drunk driver’s accident.

Compare Home Insurance Quotes

  • Make Sure that Your Home is Insured for at Least 100% of its Estimated Replacement Cost. To determine your amount of homeowners insurance coverage: Get an estimate of the replacement cost of your home. Select the home insurance coverage amount that best fits your needs.

Click the button below to get a free replacement cost estimate along with your homeowners insurance quote. It’s quick, free and easy!

Cheap Florida home insurance FAQ

How to get cheap homeowners Insurance in Florida?

Another way to save money on insurance is to fortify your home against wind damage. Making additions and renovations to your home can make it more resistant to hurricane damage.

For example, you might seal the roof deck to keep storm water out. Or, you might install shatterproof glass. Such improvements can significantly reduce the price you pay for windstorm coverage. In fact, such discounts cut your insurance premium by up to 88 percent, according to the Florida Division of Emergency Management.

Why do I need flood insurance in Florida?

If you have Florida home insurance, don't assume you are covered in the event of a flood. A homeowners policy in Florida does not cover flood damage -- the most common natural disaster in the U.S., according to III.

In the U.S., the federal government offers flood insurance to florida homeowners through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).  Fail to buy this type of policy, and you will be out of luck if flood waters roll through your home.


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When it comes to finding the right home insurance company for your needs, there are several factors to take into consideration before you make a final decision. Here are seven important questions to ask yourself when selecting your next home insurance company.

1. What is my home’s value?

Before you begin researching home insurance companies, you need to determine the value of your home. Online appraisal tools are useful for estimating home values, but they are not 100% accurate. For a precise calculation, you may contact a certified appraiser to evaluate your home’s value OR get a Free Reconstruction Value Report with your Online Quote from Insurance Quotes In Florida.

Your insurance coverage should be large enough to cover the cost of rebuilding your home if it’s destroyed. Some Florida home insurance companies offer flexible insurance options to meet a variety of your home ownership needs, with different policy options designed to fit a range of budgetary and protection needs.

Get your Free Reconstruction Estimate report along with your Quote Today!

2. What is the value of the assets in my home?

How much is the “stuff” in your home worth? The best way to record the value of your assets is to conduct a home inventory. This step will also help you identify any valuables that require additional coverage or equipment that could impact your coverage.

If you’re not sure whether or not you need additional coverage, you can get free access to a licensed agent to answer all your questions through Insurance Quotes In Florida Online Quote Tool.

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3. Am I paying for coverage I don’t need?

When was the last time you reviewed your homeowner’s insurance policy? If you have made improvements to your home, built new structures on your property or completed any other major renovations, then the value of your home may have changed.

If you are in this situation, you will want to either increase coverage under your current policy or shop around for a new policy with coverage that meets your needs.

When you Compare Quotes through Insurance Quotes In Florida, you also get a free analysis of your prior policy coverage by a licensed agent to make sure you get the right amount of coverage.

Get Free Analysis of Your Home Insurance Policy with your Quote Today!

4. How available is my insurance company if I have questions?

Providing quality service is not only about responding when disaster strikes. It’s equally important that your insurance company is there for you whenever you need them, no matter how big or small the problem.

Is it easy to get in touch with a customer service representative? Is your insurance company active on social media? If so, how quickly do they respond to your questions? These are all important indicators of how available your insurance company is when it comes to answering policyholders’ questions.

Check your insurance company’s Better Business Bureau (BBB) rating – which provides customers with a simple and straightforward rating based on a company’s adherence to the BBB’s Standards for Trust, a comprehensive set of best practices for how businesses should treat the public in a fair and honest manner.

At Insurance Quotes In Florida, we always pick up the phone during work hours. Text, email or call us any time to speak to a licensed agent.

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5. How quickly will they respond if I have a claim?

When disaster strikes, time is of the essence. Can your insurance company provide rapid recovery after a loss? Do they have the resources available to make emergency repairs and restore policyholders to pre-loss condition 24/7?

From simplified claims and priority repair service to quality workmanship and materials, you should be able to count on your insurance company to save you time, hassle and money in the event of a loss.

Get All Your Questions Answered by a Licensed Agent Now!

6. What will my insurance company do after a hurricane?

Is your home insurance company prepared if a hurricane hits Florida? After a major storm, a shortage of available construction materials can stifle the recovery process, resulting in price surges and leaving homeowners stranded.

Make sure your insurance company has the physical and fiscal resources ready to respond to extensive loss and help restore a sense of normalcy and peace of mind. They should invest in preparedness by stocking millions of dollars worth of quality recovery supplies, including plywood, tarps, tools, generators and other items that are in demand after a storm.

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7. How financially stable is my insurance provider?

You deserve peace of mind knowing that your home insurance company is financially stable enough to protect your home and belongings when a widespread disaster strikes.

Review your insurance company’s Demotech rating – which measures an insurer’s financial performance and its ability to pay claims. Only consider Florida insurance companies with a Financial Stability Rating of A, Exceptional

Also verify that your insurance company maintains a strong balance sheet, sizable surplus, and solid reinsurance program. These are signs that, in the event of a big 100-year storm, they will be capable of restoring policyholders to pre-loss condition.

The Best Way To Find A Good Insurance Company And Compare Home Insurance Quotes is through Online Quoting Tool from Insurance Quotes In Florida.

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The Best Florida Homeowners Insurance Companies

Finding affordable homeowner’s insurance in Florida is no easy task: With an average annual premium of $2,084 (nearly double the the national average of $1,034), Florida has the highest home insurance rates of any state in the United States. This shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise considering Florida’s coastal geography and the increased likelihood of property damage due to hurricanes and floods.

Despite all this, there are still factors that can reduce what you’ll pay for home insurance in Florida — the physical location of the property, the age and condition of the home, and, of course, the insurance provider you choose will all have a significant impact on your monthly payment.

5 Ways Your Home Insurance Should Be Ready For Halloween

It’s Halloween, and that means creepy, crawly, ghoulish happenings are afoot. Anything can happen — including a zombie apocalypse*.

On Halloween, we all enjoy handing out treats to the little monsters that arrive at our door asking for candy. Unfortunately, some of us have to deal with damage created by larger monsters that arrive at our door asking for trouble.

Vandalism and property damage are just some scary Halloween insurance concerns. You also have to consider the possibility of trick-or-treaters getting hurt on your property or accidents caused by decorations or other holiday accoutrements. Are your insurance policies ready to handle any horrors that the holiday may bring?

Here are some of the most common Halloween events that might trigger an insurance claim.

  • Slips and Falls – It is easy for smaller children to trip or slip and hurt themselves, especially with elaborate or clunky costumes that make it hard for them to see clearly or walk normally. Add the anticipation of candy and a significant sugar buzz, and it's a wonder these accidents do not happen more often.

    Generally, the liability portion of your homeowner's policy will cover these types of accidents. However, it is important that you leave your path clear of obvious hazards. If any of your decorations or the condition of your walkway presents a significant hazard to trick-or-treaters, your insurance may not cover the damages. If you are unsure about what constitutes a hazard, check with your insurance agent.

  • Dog Bites – Even the best-behaved dog can become overexcited and frightened by the sight of a horde of costumed youngsters charging their home, and bite one or more of the children. Dog bites are usually covered under the liability and medical expenses portions of your policy, but rules vary by insurer and by state. Check your policy, especially if you got your dog after the policy was signed.

  • Vandalism – Vandalism is clearly covered, but you have to assess the amount of damage and whether it is worth filing a claim given your deductible. The old classics such as egging your house or toilet-papering your trees are irritating, but do not usually cause significant damage.

    The Highway Loss Data Institute reports that vehicles are almost twice as likely to be vandalized on Halloween than on an average day. The latest available data shows 1,253 claims filed for damage that occurred on October 31st, compared to 692 claims on a normal day. Damage to your car is typically an auto insurance issue through a comprehensive policy. Your homeowner's insurance may cover auto damage, but it probably does not.

  • Accidental Fires – Candles used to set a spooky mood in the home or to light jack-o-lanterns cause accidental fires every year. Homeowner's policies cover repairs and living expenses during the repair period, unless the fire was a result of negligent or dangerous activities (for example, putting your candle-lit jack-o-lantern in a pile of dry leaves, or starting a bonfire on your porch).

  • Gravestones – Did you know that theft or damage of a tombstone is often covered under homeowner's policies? Even though the graves are not located in your backyard (we hope), Halloween vandalism of the resting places of your loved ones is frequently protected.

You can limit the possibility of mishaps and accidents through simple preventative measures. Use batteries instead of flames for illumination, keep your house well lit, remove any slip hazards (including ice and snow if you live in a colder climate), and do not set up any hazardous decorations.

With some foresight, you can enjoy the holiday with confidence. Check to make sure your policies cover these common Halloween-related concerns, understand any exclusions that may exist, and close any loopholes that you think are important enough to be closed. Then you will not have to worry about a damage claim or lawsuit rising from the night to consume your bank account and terrorize your financial plans.

*Okay, it’s true. There’s no such thing as zombie insurance, and your home insurance won’t cover such encounters with the undead. But if you’re curious about the different types of home insurance coverage, we’ve got the answers.

Homeowners Insurance Dog Breed Restrictions: dog breeds insurance blacklist

Does Your Current Insurance Policy Cover Your Dog?

If you’ve been insured with the same insurance company for years, don’t assume your policy includes coverage for your dog(s). Insurance companies regularly modify what their policy will cover (and what it won’t cover). Your company may not know you have a “dangerous” dog. If they find out, your policy may immediately cancel or be non-renewed.

The Best Florida Homeowners Insurance Companies

The Best Florida Homeowners Insurance Companies

Looking for cheap homeowners Insurance in Florida?

Florida has some of the highest homeowners insurance insurance rates in the country, and for good reason. Of the ten most devastating hurricanes in the United States, seven hit Florida — and six occurred in 2004 and 2005. The state is still dealing with the aftermath of 2017’s Hurricane Irma, which caused so much damage that one insurer recruited and trained real estate agents to help them handle the flood of insurance claims.

The most important thing you can do for your house is to make sure that you’re armed with the best home insurance in Florida possible.

There are a lot of factors that go into homeowners insurance rates, and you’re going to want to shop around to determine which provider can offer the best homeowners insurance quote — but if you want to own a home in Florida, you need to be prepared to pay high premiums. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners reports that Florida homeowners with a H03 policy pay an average of $1,993 per year, compared to the national average of $1,173.

Best Florida Renters Insurance - Miami, Orlando, Tampa, Ft Lauderdale

Best Florida Renters Insurance - Miami, Orlando, Tampa, Ft Lauderdale

Looking For Cheap Renters Insurance?

From Miami to Orlando, Tampa to Fort Lauderdale, Florida abounds with bustling cities that are perfect for renters. Of course, there's one roommate you should always move in with: renters insurance.

Having renters insurance in Florida can help protect your belongings from damage and theft, pay medical bills if guests are injured in your place, and cover liability expenses if you're caught in a lawsuit. And in the unthinkable case that your abode is damaged by, say, a fire or tornado, renters coverage can even help put you up elsewhere while repairs are made.


So, how do you get the cheapest home insurance in Florida?  

Maintain a security system and alarms: A burglar alarm monitored by a central station or tied directly to a local police station will help lower the homeowner's annual premiums, perhaps by 5% or more. In order to obtain the discount, the florida homeowner must typically provide proof of central monitoring in the form of a bill or a contract to the insurance company.

Smoke alarms are another biggie. While standard in most modern houses, installing them in older homes can save the homeowner 10% or more in annual premiums. CO2 detectors, dead-bolt locks, sprinkler systems and in some cases even weatherproofing can also help.

Raise your deductible: Like health insurance or car insurance, the higher the deductible the homeowner chooses, the lower the annual premiums. However, the problem with selecting a high deductible is smaller claims/problems such as broken windows or damaged sheetrock from a leaky pipe, which typically will cost only a few hundred dollars to fix, will most likely be absorbed by the homeowner.


And how to get the best homeowners insurance in florida?

So what's the driving force behind homeowners insurance rates? According to Noah J. Bank, a licensed insurance broker with The B&G Group, Inc. in Plainview, NY, it's the likelihood a homeowner will file a claim—the insurer's perceived "risk." And to determine risk, home insurance companies give significant consideration to past home insurance claims submitted by the homeowner as well as claims related to that property and the homeowner’s credit. “Claim frequency and severity of the claim play a considerable role is determining rates, especially if there's more than one claim relating to the same issue like water damage, wind storms, etc.,” says Bank.

While insurers are there to pay claims, they're also in it to make money. Insuring a home that has had multiple claims in the past three to seven years, even if a previous owner filed the claim, can bump your home insurance premium into a higher pricing tier. You may not even be eligible for home insurance based on the number of recent past claims filed, says Bank.


Fl property insurance rates are determined by several factors starting from where the home is located, as well as the potential risk of the insurance companies having to pay a claim.

Also, Florida property insurance rates are the highest in the nation. Before you sign on the dotted line, here's a checklist of search tips.

1. Compare statewide costs and insurers

When it comes to home insurance in florida, you want to make sure you are going with a provider that is legitimate and credit worthy. Your first step should be to visit your state’s Department of Insurance website to learn the rating for each home insurance company licensed to conduct business in your state, as well as any consumer complaints lodged against the insurance company. The site should also provide a typical average cost of home insurance in different counties and cities.

These will help you determine which homeowners insurance carriers in florida you want to compare.

Complete Guide To Homeowners Insurance - Florida

Homeowner's insurance in Florida(also known as home insurance) isn't a luxury, it's a necessity. And not just because it protects your home and possessions against damage or theft. Virtually all mortgage companies require borrowers to have homeowners insurance coverage for the full or fair value of a property (usually the purchase price) and won't make a loan or finance a residential real estate transaction without proof of it.

You don't even have to own your home to need insurance; many landlords require their tenants to have florida renter's insurance coverage. But whether it's required or not, it's smart to have this kind of protection anyway. We'll walk you through the basics of this type of policy. 

What a Homeowner's Policy Provides

The elements of a standard florida homeowner's insurance policy provide that the insurer will cover costs related to: